Basoglumarble has been in service in marble sector since 1972. It presents to the customers,tigerskin and afyon grey marbles, manufactured in its own quarry.



Our company has been in service since 1972 with its marble quarries -established in area called as Aktasoren on the Bahcecik Road in Iscehisar / AFYON- where Tigerskin and Afyon Grey marbels are produced and with our factory where these products are operated at the 23rd km. of the Afyon-Ankara Highway. Our production and applying range are incresing thanks to the new technological investments in each yaer. Our Tigerskin and Afyon Grey marbels are presented to the customers either as blocks and rubbles from quarry , or as semi-operated and operated from the factory.

Tigerskin and Afyon Grey marbels that the quary has many reserves , have the annual production capacity avarege 5000m3. Our quarry which has continuously increasing line of production capacity, is in the attempt of multiple this capacity in the forthcoming years with new investments.

The Tigerskin marbels produced by Basoglu Marbel, are the real Tigerskin marbels with their colour, tissue and quality.

Having many customers both in Turkey and in abroad, thanks to the influence of the marble factory which is founded regarding the customers need and satisfaction; Basoglu Marble is going to be a profitable foundation to the country economy with the targeted export numbers.